Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time and Time Again...

Third times the charm right??? Obviously I fell off the blogging wagon in France, and have been home ALL summer without even logging in... So much has happened in my life since my last post (how long ago was that anyway?), and I don't even know where to begin... So, I'll start at the beginning, which ironically is the end. Well, the last day I was in France actually. I was chatting with my English prof (English in France, yeah I know...) about school, and mentioned that I was thinking about changing schools and majors, since I was looking for a major that more closely matched my career choice. As it turns out he had been the teaching assistant to the head of the film department at OU. I had been looking into Film Studies at OU and was excited to hear from him that it was a good program. Fast forward a bit to chatting with my roomie (still the best roomie ever, and I'm not just saying that cause she is the only roomie I've ever had (well, except Michelle, but that was a hostel window takeover))... Anyway, I told her about my chat with Prof. Rabalais and she said "My uncle is the Provost at OU!". Seriously!?!?! What are the odds (about 1 in 3 billion by my count, as Anna does have a sister whose uncle is the Provost at OU). So, I don't need many signs to point me in the right direction, so when I got home I applied to OU...

Unfortunately, it was too late to get in for Fall... But, on the upside, extended summer! I would be catty here and say, naturally I got in, but I'm not much on cattiness or bragging (which may explain the lax blogging, as this seems like the ultimate in narcissism)... Okay, I'll indulge in some cattiness... Naturally I got in! (As if anyone would doubt it)
Of course, moving out of state (yes going to OK from TX does count) for college does present some challenges... Such as, my parents have barely gotten over me going to France (the all night Paris romp freaked them out (did I mention the all nighter in Paris, I've forgotten...) and I'm not sure they are going to survive me heading off again. There's another thing, heading off to college... The Abbey was fully stocked (well...) and all I needed was myself (cheesy, no?). Anyway, now I have to stock an apartment (as much as I love Anna and Michelle, I don't ever want to live in a dorm again). Poor me, right? No, seriously, I have an over-planning/preparing problem... I gather everything I think I might ever need, then never actually have to have them... I should have been a Boy Scout (that would have required a bit more planning than normal... because I'm a girl, and Boy Scouts is a boy's club)... (did I have to explain that?)))... Whoa on the punctuation there Skippy!

When planning for a move one typically goes furniture shopping... Of course one should think about the new space, not rearraging the space one already occupies... But, I'm never one to follow conventional thinking... So, my room has all new furniture, and I have nothing new for the apartment that I have yet to even go to Oklahoma to find... Wait, what was that I just said about over-planning??? Am I sure that's true, if I don't have an apartment yet? Oh well, can't win 'em all.