Thursday, April 21, 2011

Its been a long time coming...

Seriously time flies... The world spins at the same rate, but time is relative... Physics and philosophy aside, I have been busy. School isn't necessarily harder, it is just end game now... All of our assignments are reaching due dates, and finals are looming... The balade blanche is clipping along and we all are wondering when we actually have time to do anything. Aside from usual school related time crunches, my roomies (I gained one, did I tell you yet?) and I conned convinced our across the hall neighbors to switch rooms.  Their room (now ours) seems twice as big, dunno if it is just layout or if there is more square footage (or would that be meters?) in here, but it definitely seems bigger.

So, about gaining a roomate. My roomie and I made the mistake of letting our new roomie sleep in our window, she loved it and promptly made the window her window. Now, we can't imagine not having her around and switched rooms so that she could move her stuff in... Yeah I know only 2 weeks left, but totally worth the insanity.

School work... It is not new, we have been doing this for 2 & 1/2 months now... Why does it seem like people are just now figuring out how this works? One unexpected homework grade and suddenly they have the worst/meanest teacher in the world... Get over it, if you can't handle it, then college is not for you. I will go to a professor if I want to know why a grade is low (I've done it this semester in fact), but I'm not going to spend all day bitching about a grade when I obviously didn't follow instructions... Personally, I think that we have some of the best professors around. The Abbey program does an excellent job of hiring amazing professors. Their passion is palpable and I would love to have any of them again.

Free time... I've almost forgotten what that is... Seriously, we have been tres busy. Professor Anglin has come and on the weekends we have the option of going to nearby sites and seeing the Loire valley. Additionally she has been showing (French) movies nearly every night. Plus we have balade blache rehearsals and class work... So there you have the excuse for not keeping up with this blog... I'm kinda sad that I haven't been keeping it up, too much has passed that I wish I had down... Now it is difficult to remember what has happened to write it all down...

Vision quest and film making... I have decided to make my film project into my vision quest presentation. Which of course means that I have to start cracking the whip over my head... So add that to my current responsibilties... Hmm, guess that means I'm through here for a bit...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Louvre

The is way more to the Louvre than the "Mona Lisa". You could spend all day in just one section (like the ancient Egyptian section) and not see it all. It is truely amazing all that we have created throughout history. The building itself is a marvel... It is an amalgam of royal one-uppery (yeah its a word, I just wrote it didn't I?), the Louvre started out as a palace. Actually, it was two palaces, and throughout the years, and numerous additions the two have been linked, and now we have the glorious Musee de Louvre. 03.28.2011

The Gilded Ghetto

The palace in Versailles; oppulent, decadent, lavish... The royal family of France lived here and if you were lucky enough to be a part of the royal court you could live here too. the most prestigious job? Carrying the full royal chamber pot. The palace is everything you expect from a royal palace, well, except there isn't any royalty there (France doesn't have royalty anymore, anyway)... 27.03.2011