Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So I was thinking about the photos I posted yesterday... I realized that I know nothing about these people even though we're related. I never knew my uncle or my grandparents, they were gone before my parents got married (in fact their first date was the night of my Grandfather's funeral). Its interesting to see them when they were younger, way before my time. My Dad is full of stories that I've always ignored and rolled my eyes at when he gets started. Now, not so much, I kinda want to know what my family is like, but I'm still not quite ready to ask, cause I'm going to get an answer. When I saw the photos of my Grandmother (they're the first I've seen, apart from one when she was older) I realized how much I look like her. I always thought that I was a spittin' image of my Mom and Granny (there are photos of all three of us around the same age where we are practically indistinguishable from one another). I don't know, maybe I'm just growing up, getting sentimental, or just going mental, but whatever the reason, maybe I'll be more patient next time my Dad goes on one of his family rambles.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My dad is waaay into genealogy so it should be easy to get info on my family. He is excited that I'm joining the cult, drinking the kool-aid... I hope I can teach him (and myself) how to use these networks & connect with his family and fill in the gaps in the family line...